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getting to camp

Children Arriving at School

Directions to Camp

Camp Olave is a 40 minute ferry ride from Horseshoe Bay and a 30 minute drive from Gibsons.

​Camp Olave

1570 Jack Road

Sechelt, BC

V0N 3A1​

To plan your travel to and from Camp Olave, the best prices and successful bookings are dependent on how soon you start

What you need to know

Before booking with BC Ferries or making your transportation arrangements, you need to know your:

  • Dates of travel

  • Times to meet transportation (suggest some flexibility)

  • Budget (i.e., your budgeted transportation fees)

  • Participant numbers, which needs to include your

    • group size

    • ages of youth, and

    • ratio of adults per each mode of transportation.

  • Payment plans (i.e., be aware of the costs, and if you need to request a temporary increase on your Girl Guide purchase card limit)


Travel to Camp Olave may also include planning for one vehicle, which is a

  • Guider’s vehicle to bring up the participant’s personal gear, or

  • Rental truck for personal gear for larger events (i.e., District or Area camps)

Travel Information

Save time and money by coordinating your bus and ferry travel with other groups using Camp Olave at the same time. Why rent two buses when one will do?


Contact us at for more information or to be put in touch with other units looking to coordinate. You could also coordinate crafts, out trips, resource people, campfires and so much more. Campers are responsible for booking the bus and all the arrangements​​


Use the following documents to help plan your Camp transportation!

​​​​Any links to external websites or information provided on our website are provided as a courtesy. They should not be construed in any other way.

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