more seaside fun
About more seaside fun
Girl Guides are invited to explore camp at More Seaside Fun! More Seaside fun is a week-long camp at beautiful Camp Olave, located on Sunshine Coast (a ferry ride away from Vancouver).
who is this camp for?
Youth campers from the Lower Mainland and around BC are invited to explore all of what Camp Olave has to offer.
There is an indoor site for 12 Embers (who are currently in 2nd Year Embers) and a mixture of cabin/tent sites for 92 Guides and Pathfinders.
2025 dates
Sunday July 6, 2025 – Saturday July 12, 2025
Cost: $575 plus GST
Registration Opens: March 12, 2025 at 12:30pm Pacific
Registration Deadline: March 30, 2025 at 11:55pm Pacific or when Full
Youth Registration
Pick up and Drop off will be at Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal. No on-site arrivals will be allowed.
Campers from the Sunshine Coast should meet the ferry at Langdale.
Our travel coordinator will contact all campers closer to camp to arrange details.
No changes after May 30 can be accommodated.
Get-To-Know-Your-Camper Questionnaire:
To make initial registration quicker for families, we have removed the more detailed questions from this registration form.
There will be a link in your confirmation email with a camper questionnaire. This must be completed within 3 days of camp registration to finalize your campers spot.
Payment Options:
1. Pay 100% of the camp fees online with a credit card at the end of this registration.
2. If you have additional funds (cookie fundraising, support from Unit/District/Area), please select to pay 10% at the time of registration. We will be in contact with you for additional information.
Please note: More Seaside Fun does not have any subsidy money available. Please reach out to your local Unit/District/Area to see if there is assistance available.
Information to have ready at the time of this registration:
- Camper Name
- Caregiver Name and contact information
- Camper iMIS number
- Unit Name
- Unit Leader Name and e-mail
- Names of anyone they are attending More Seaside Fun with
- Names of who they'd like to share a tent/hut with (if any)
Guider roles and opportunities
Come and join this team of adult volunteers to create amazing memories for the youth in Girl Guides.
You must be able to walk the length of the campsite at least 2-3 times per day. Camp Olave has gravel/dirt roads, hiking paths,
and uneven ground. There is a long, moderate hill (approx. 10-15min uphill) to some of the activities.
We won't be able to accommodate all special diets; therefore, we are only able to accommodate vegetarian, gluten-free, and
dairy-free/lactose-free diets. You are responsible for bringing your own food requirements for any other dietary concerns.
We apologize for this inconvenience but we are financially limited on what we are able to accommodate.
We encourage all volunteers to take the new Responding with Care: Supporting girls' mental health e-course prior to
More Seaside Fun in July 2025.
Composition of Guiders on a site:
Site Coordinator - Reporting to the Core Team, the Site Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the daily activities of the site. They will set the tone for the Guiders and the campers and work cooperatively with the QM. The Site Coordinator supports campers and Guiders on their site throughout the week and manages their site to encourage everyone to arrive at their activities on time. The Site Coordinator supports the First Aider with any incidents by helping with the incident as well as completing the Incident Report Form and delivering it to the Camp Responsible Guider. *Onsite July 5
Quartermaster - The Site Quartermaster (QM) is the kitchen coordinator and leads food preparation and meal clean-up. Quartermasters will be aware of Special Diets on their site and provide them with extra care. The Site QM will keep the Head QM informed of any supplies needed or overages, follow the menu as posted, including all items for each meal, and ensure that there are beverages at each meal and keep a supply of snacks and fluids available to everyone at all times. They will communicate with the Patrol Guiders about their assigned times in the kitchen and call patrols as indicated on the duty chart to help with the preparation and clean up of the meals. *Onsite July 5
First Aider / Site Helper - First Aiders must be aware of all campers on their site who have special health concerns. Record keeping is an important part of this job. First Aiders will handle minor injuries on-site or at activities, complete a Treatment Record for each person treated, oversee the taking of medications by campers and record such on the medication record forms. First Aiders will keep the Head First Aider informed of any concerns and include them immediately if there is a serious incident. When not performing First Aid duties, they will support the Site Coordinator and Site QM in their tasks.
Core Staff - Core staff will run their stations as scheduled. They will ensure stations are properly prepared for each patrol, including supplies are ready and following any safety procedures as necessary. Core Staff will also help out at one of the other activities or on one of the campsites with meals and clean up when they do not have a scheduled activity and may possibly be needed to help support the few patrols that have older campers as patrol leaders. More Seaside Fun Committee will be in contact with you about possible opportunities.
Patrol Guiders - You will be under the direction of the Site Coordinator and will work together with the other Patrol Guiders. You are responsible for a patrol of 5-6 campers for the week. You will travel to activities as a Patrol and will do your assigned duties as such. This will include getting the patrol to their assigned duties and activities as per the schedule on time. You are responsible for waking the patrol in the morning and saying Good Night at the end of the day. When working in the kitchen, you will work with the Quartermaster to assign each camper a task and support them. When at activities, you will support the campers under the direction of the facilitator. You are expected to pitch in and help where needed. Watch and encourage all campers to participate. Some campers may not want or feel comfortable doing everything. Encourage them to try but do not push beyond their comfort zone. We understand that this is sometimes difficult so we will be there to help you.