More Seaside Fun

More Seaside Fun first started in 1998. The emphasis has been on girls 8-14 camping in the outdoors. We focus on girls enjoying the seashore and other outdoor experiences such as Archery, building big gadgets and hiking. At the seashore we do beach seining when the tide is right, beach exploring, building rafts, kayaking and canoeing. We have been lucky enough to have the older girls experience voyager canoes and dragon boats. Last year the whole camp used the low vortex course at the boy scout camp. We do many fun activities such as talent night and Karaoke and well as shooting waterfalls from our catapults at the leaders. Girls and leaders attend from all over the province. At More Seaside Fun all the girls get to partake in all the activities.
Amazing Arts

The Amazing Arts camps are sponsored by Camp Olave which is supported by West Coast Area and Lions Area. It grew out of a wonderful camp called CARNIVAL and a great adventure called HARRY POTTER CAMP.
Then Camp Olave welcomed girls and Guiders from all over BC and beyond to Amazing Arts 2008 followed by Amazing Arts Again in 2012 and Amazing Arts Three in 2015.
In 2008 our shirts were blue, in 2012 green, in 2015 red and in 2018 ORANGE.