activity sites
Enchanted Forest
Make sure you add a trip to the Enchanted Forest on your to-do list when you go to camp. Girls of all ages will enjoy looking at the different displays left by other campers. Search for fairies, gnomes, and other mythical creatures. Conduct a treasure hunt, make it a part of your geocaching activity, or go on a night hike. The trail is located next to the Nature House. Look for the wishing wells!
Nature House
Is that a Black Bear skeleton?” “That snake skin on the wall is over five feet long! Isn’t it great to see those birds up close so we can study them and then recognize them when they fly by? When I lie on my back on the carpet I can see the star constellations on the ceiling! There’s a felt board where we can place the seashore residents in the right zone! Can we watch the Mysteries of the River Giant and the Hug a Tree and Survive videos? Yes, all these things are available in the Nature House – and much more.
The Nature House is set up to familiarize campers with local geology, astronomy, birds, animals and seashore life. The Native Garden, in front of the Nature House provides information on native plants and will hopefully allow you to identify some of the native flora around the camp.
The Nature House has: self-guided activities, specimens such as shells, rocks, birds, animals, many reference books in the bookcase (for use in the Nature House only, please), resource information pamphlets and posters, a VCR, DVD and monitor with a few nature videos and a carpeted seating area and a worktable for crafts or nature study. You will find information on Compass Skills, Seashore guides, Astronomy books, Tree identification, Weather posters and a “Who Am I” game for Sparks and Embers. The building is heated year round, and is quite cozy to visit on a cold day.
Low Ropes Course
The Low Ropes Course is located near the Fitness Circuit and Archery sites. The Low Ropes course is open March – Oct, weather permitting (Low Ropes will not operate in high winds or heavy rain). Pre-booking is required for use, as well as a trained facilitator must be present when groups are using the Low Ropes course for safety precautions. You will be contacted 2 weeks prior to your arrival at camp to book a date and time for your group, groups are booked into 1hr time slots. Proper closed toe footwear is required to use of the course.
IODE Hall is located near Dudes Palace washrooms. It is perfect for groups to use as an indoor activity space. There is a wood stove, tables and chairs for you to use. IODE Hall needs to be prebooked through the office.
Reflections Area
The Reflections Area is perfect for your Guides Own at the end of Camp. Wood benches (bring your sit-upon!) can seat up to 30. The Reflections Area is located in the forest behind the Boathouse.
Amy Leigh Fitness Circuit
The Amy Leigh Fitness Circuit has eight stations and is located next to the Archery Range. It was named after Amy Leigh, Burnaby's first Guide and long-time Guider in Vancouver. Amy lived for over 100 years and remembered us in her will. The eight stations, a park bench and new signs complete the fitness circuit.
Archery is located next to the Fitness Circuit and Tee Cseh sites. Prebooking is required for use and can be booked in the office. Guiders must have training before using the site with their groups.